Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Keeping Calm

When you plan ANY event at all the biggest thing is to keep calm. Being organized will take most of the pressure off but there will always be those last minute changes or things that have been forgotten. There is no such thing as perfect but we aim to get as close as we can!
So ways to keep calm as your big day approaches. Brides you will love this one!
1) Pamper nights- when the pressure of the event gets too much- light some candles take a bath and just try to relax!
2) Take a nap- when things seem overwhelming the best thing to do is to sleep. 30 minutes makes a big difference. Just take a few minutes and let your body recharge.
3) Recite a Mantra. For some people its Shakespeare for others its a prayer. Just take the time to repeat yours to yourself until you feel better.
4) Counting. Some people recommend counting to ten- I am of the thought that you should count until you feel better.
5) Pass the buck- hey its what you hired me for. If your plans are solid and you do not want to waver from them- let people go to your planner with questions and explanations.

So when things get too much- just take a step back and realize that your day will be perfect when all is said and done. It may seem like things are chaotic but in reality if you have hired a coordinator- underneath all the chaos is organization!

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