Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Today's Tip: Be Organized

Hello! Every day or so I will be posting some tips on here about how to organize events. Not to discourage you from getting a planner but to show you the importance of picking the right one (which of course is me haha).
Today's tip is to be organized. When I first meet with a potential client I start a list. What kind of event is this? What color scheme are they looking for? yadda yadda yadda! Once that list is done and the person/s decide to book with me- I make a list of what I need to do and what they need to do. We sit down and discuss what is going on and we start cracking at the list taking care of things as we can.
Decorations? Place them in boxes that are clearly labelled. For any event you will have tables so make sure that you have all of your table stuff together. Doing your own food? Make sure you have your plates and cups and serving untensils together. This way when you get to your venue all you have to do is hand someone a box and they know what supplies they need and have!
When dealing with fund raisers all I can tell you is that I have seen too many of them fail due to lack of organization. So make sure you have that check list and make sure if you are working with others that they are on the same page as you. If you are soliticing items for an auction keep a detailed list of where you went, what they gave you and a point of contact. THEN send out thank you cards for each item.
Speaking of thank you cards, it is important for any event you throw to thank people. Whether it be through goody bags or cards. When you get your RSVP for events also make your thank you card list. This way you know who is at the event and you can thank them for being part of your special day!
So whether you are organizing your own event or helping with someone elses- always be organized. Have a folder for the event on your desk and make copies for those who are helping you!

Thanks for reading and Best of Luck!

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